Welcome to NOS Parts Ltd.
NOS Ford and Mercury parts are our business. We specialize in providing New Old Stock (NOS) parts for Ford and Lincoln – Mercury cars and trucks. The Ford, Autolite, and Motorcraft brands are your assurance they will meet Ford’s performance standards.
There are two ways to find the part you need. Visit your local Ford dealer, or use Forel Publications, the authorized dealer of Ford Master Parts Catalogs and Manuals. Forel Publications has a CD that may cover your car or truck.
To learn more about the Ford part numbering system click on the reference tab above to
review how to look up part numbers for your car or truck. Ford has the most logical parts naming system and you will find it very easy to use.

Search by Ford Make - Model – Year Code (C9az, C6ZZ, D4TZ etc.) or by Ford Base number (17A553)